The Ultimate Timeline of the Universe and Earth’s History

The Timeline of the Universe and Earth

The universe and the Earth we live on have a rich history that spans over billions of years. From the Big Bang to the emergence of complex life, this timeline offers a glimpse into the incredible journey that our planet has taken. It begins with the formation of the universe itself and takes us through the birth of stars, the creation of galaxies, and the emergence of life on Earth. This timeline of the Universe and Earth sheds light on the major milestones in our planet’s history and how it has changed over time.

  1. 13.8 billion years ago: Big Bang
  2. 13.8 billion years ago: (10^-36 seconds after the Big Bang): Inflationary epoch
  3. 13.8 billion years ago: (10^-12 seconds after the Big Bang): Quark epoch
  4. 13.8 billion years ago: (1 second after the Big Bang): Formation of protons and neutrons
  5. 13.79 billion years ago: Formation of hydrogen and helium atoms
  6. 13.6 billion years ago: Formation of the first stars and supernovae
  7. 13.6 billion years ago: Formation of the Local Group
  8. 13.6 billion years ago: Formation of the Milky Way’s halo
  9. 13.3 billion years ago: Formation of the first galaxies and galaxy clusters
  10. 12.8 billion years ago: Formation of the first dwarf galaxies
  11. 10.8 billion years ago: Formation of the first massive galaxies
  12. 13 billion years ago: Formation of the Large Magellanic Cloud
  13. 13 billion years ago: Formation of the Small Magellanic Cloud
  14. 13 billion years ago: Formation of the Boötes void
  15. 13 billion years ago: Formation of the Fornax cluster
  16. 12 billion years ago: Formation of the first supermassive black holes
  17. 12 billion years ago: Formation of the first quasars
  18. 11 billion years ago: Formation of the first globular clusters
  19. 10 billion years ago: Formation of the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall
  20. 10 billion years ago: Formation of the Milky Way’s disk
  21. 9 billion years ago: Formation of the Milky Way’s bulge
  22. 7 billion years ago: Formation of the second generation of stars
  23. 6 billion years ago: Formation of the Eridanus supervoid
  24. 5 billion years ago: Formation of the third generation of stars
  25. 4.6 billion years ago: Formation of the protoplanetary disk
  26. 4.6 billion years ago: Formation of the Sun and Solar System
  27. 4.6 billion years ago: Formation of the Oort cloud
  28. 4.5 billion years ago: Formation of Earth and other terrestrial planets from the protoplanetary disk
  29. 4.5 billion years ago: Formation of Earth’s Moon from a Mars-sized object impacting the early Earth
  30. 4 billion years ago: Formation of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
  31. 4 billion years ago: Formation of the Virgo Supercluster
  32. 4 billion years ago: Formation of the Great Attractor
  33. 4 billion years ago: First known continental crust formation
  34. 3.8 billion years ago: Formation of the atmosphere
  35. 3.8 billion years ago: First evidence of banded iron formations, indicating the presence of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere
  36. 3.5 billion years ago: First evidence of plate tectonics
  37. 3.5 billion years ago: First evidence of magnetosphere
  38. 3.5 billion years ago: Emergence of life on Earth
  39. 3.5 billion years ago: First evidence of stromatolites, microbial mats formed by cyanobacteria
  40. 3.5 billion years ago: Evolution of single-celled organisms
  41. 3.2 billion years ago: Formation of the Vaalbara supercontinent
  42. 3.4 billion years ago: First evidence of photosynthesis by bacteria
  43. 3 billion years ago: Formation of the Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex
  44. 3 billion years ago: Formation of the continent of Ur
  45. 2.4 billion years ago: Oxygenation of the atmosphere by photosynthetic organisms
  46. 2.4 billion years ago: First known snowball Earth event
  47. 2.4 billion to 2.1 billion years ago: Great Oxygenation Event, marking a significant increase in atmospheric oxygen
  48. 2 billion years ago: Formation of the Shapley Supercluster
  49. 2 billion years ago: Emergence of eukaryotic cells
  50. 1.8 billion years ago: End of the Huronian glaciation, a major ice age
  51. 1.8 billion years ago: Formation of the Sturgeon supergroup, a major sequence of sedimentary rocks
  52. 1.6 billion years ago: Formation of the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster
  53. 1.6 billion years ago: First appearance of red algae
  54. 1.6 billion years ago: First evidence of eukaryotic algae
  55. 1.5 billion years ago: Rise of atmospheric oxygen to near-modern levels
  56. 1.5 billion years ago: First evidence of macroscopic organisms with bilateral symmetry
  57. 1.3 billion years ago: Formation of the supercontinent Rodinia
  58. 1.2 billion years ago: Formation of the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
  59. 1.2 billion years ago: Formation of the first complex multicellular organisms
  60. 1.2 billion years ago: First evidence of reproduction in eukaryotes
  61. 1.2 billion years ago: First evidence of green algae
  62. 1.2 billion to 600 million years ago: Major increase in the diversity and complexity of life
  63. 600 million years ago: Formation of the Centaurus Supercluster
  64. 541-510 million years ago: Cambrian explosion
  65. 540 million years ago: The emergence of complex life
  66. 500 million years ago: Emergence of Fish
  67. 500 million years ago: Early plants and animals colonize land
  68. 490 million years ago: First jawless fish
  69. 460 million years ago: First land-dwelling animals
  70. 420 million years ago: First bony fish
  71. 400 million years ago: Emergence of Insects
  72. 360 million years ago: First amphibians
  73. 310 million years ago: First reptiles
  74. 300 million years ago: Pangea forms
  75. 298-252 million years ago: Permian period
  76. 251 million years ago: Permian Extinction
  77. 251-65 million years ago: Rise of Dinosaurs
  78. 251-199 million years ago: Triassic period
  79. 225 million years ago: First mammals
  80. 201 million years ago: Triassic Extinction
  81. 199-145 million years ago: Jurassic period
  82. 150 million years ago: Emergence of Birds
  83. 140 million years ago: First flowers
  84. 100 million years ago: Evolution of snakes
  85. 85 million years ago: Emergence of modern crocodiles
  86. 68-66 million years ago: Tyrannosaurus Rex roams the Earth
  87. 66 million years ago: Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction
  88. 65 million years ago: present: Age of mammals
  89. 60 million years ago: Mammals evolve to be larger
  90. 55 million years ago: Rapid diversification of mammals
  91. 55 million years ago: First primates
  92. 55 million years ago: Emergence of Primates
  93. 55 million years ago: Emergence of the horse
  94. 50 million years ago: Emergence of Whales
  95. 35 million years ago: Emergence of the elephant
  96. 30 million years ago: Rise of the grasslands
  97. 25 million years ago: First human-like apes
  98. 23 million years ago: Apes diversify into great apes
  99. 8 million years ago: Emergence of gorillas
  100. 7 million years ago: Emergence of chimpanzees
  101. 7 million-2 million years ago: Hominin Evolution
  102. 7 million years ago: Emergence of Hominids
  103. About 6 million years ago: Human lineage splits from chimpanzees
  104. 4 million years ago: Emergence of Australopithecus
  105. 2.8 million years ago: Emergence of Homo habilis
  106. 2.6 million years ago: Development of early stone tools
  107. 2.6 million-11,700 years ago: Ice Age
  108. 2.5 million years ago: Emergence of Humans
  109. 2 million years ago: Emergence of Homo erectus
  110. 2 million years ago: Emergence of Homo erectus
  111. 1 million years ago: Use of fire by early humans
  112. 600,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo heidelbergensis
  113. 400,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo neanderthalensis
  114. 300,000-200,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo sapiens
  115. 250,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo naledi
  116. 200,000 years ago: Emergence of anatomically modern humans
  117. 100,000 years ago: Emergence of art in human societies
  118. 10,000-5,000 years ago: Emergence of the first agricultural societies
  119. 10,000-2000 BCE: Neolithic Revolution
  120. 4000 BCE-2000 BCE: Sumerian civilization
  121. 4000 BCE: Emergence of the first civilizations
  122. 3500 BCE: Invention of Writing
  123. 3500 BCE: Invention of the Wheel
  124. 3150 BCE: Rise of Ancient Egypt
  125. 3100 BCE-30 BCE: Egyptian civilization
  126. 3100 BCE: Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
  127. 3000 BCE: Invention of the sail
  128. 3300 BCE-1300 BCE: Indus Valley Civilization
  129. 2700 BCE-1450 BCE: Minoan civilization
  130. 2500 BCE-609 BCE: Assyrian civilization
  131. 2500 BCE: Construction of the Pyramids
  132. 2500 BCE: Construction of Stonehenge
  133. 2000 BCE-900 CE: Mayan civilization
  134. 2000 BCE: Rise of the Hittite Empire
  135. 1894 BCE-539 BCE: Babylonian civilization
  136. 1600 BCE-1178 BCE: Hittite civilization
  137. 1600 BCE-1100 BCE: Mycenaean civilization
  138. 1600 BCE-1046 BCE: Shang dynasty of China
  139. 1200 BCE-539 BCE: Phoenician civilization
  140. 1200 BCE: Invention of the Alphabet
  141. 1200 BCE: Collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations
  142. 1046 BCE-256 BCE: Zhou dynasty of China
  143. 900 BCE-300 BCE: Etruscan civilization
  144. 814 BCE-146 BCE: Carthaginian civilization
  145. 800 BCE-146 BCE: Ancient Greek civilization
  146. 753 BCE-476 CE: Roman civilization
  147. 622 CE-1258 CE: Arab civilization
  148. 550 BCE-330 BCE: Persian civilization
  149. 509 BCE-27 BCE: Roman Republic
  150. 508 BCE: Athenian democracy established
  151. 479 BCE: Persian Wars end
  152. 333 BCE: Alexander the Great defeats the Persian Empire
  153. 322 BCE-185 BCE Mauryan Empire of India
  154. 305 BCE-30 BCE: Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
  155. 221 BCE-206 BCE: Qin dynasty of China
  156. 218 BCE – 201 BCE: Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage
  157. 206 BCE-220 CE: Han dynasty of China
  158. 200 BCE-650 CE: Teotihuacan civilization
  159. 30 BCE: Octavian becomes the first Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus
  160. 64 CE: Great Fire of Rome
  161. 220 CE-280 CE Three Kingdoms period in China
  162. 312 CE: Conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity
  163. 320 CE-550 CE: Gupta Empire of India
  164. 330 CE-1453 CE: Byzantine Empire
  165. 330 CE-1453 CE: Eastern Roman Empire
  166. 476 CE-476 CE: Western Roman Empire
  167. 581 CE-618 CE: Sui dynasty of China
  168. 618 CE-907 CE: Tang dynasty of China
  169. 622 CE: Hijra, beginning of the Islamic calendar
  170. 622 CE-1258 CE: Arab civilization
  171. 793 CE-1066 CE: Viking civilization
  172. 800 CE: Coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor
  173. 800 CE-1431 CE: Khmer Empire
  174. 960 CE-1279 CE: Song dynasty of China
  175. 1066 CE: Battle of Hastings, Norman Conquest of England
  176. 1096 CE: First Crusade begins
  177. 1206 CE-1227 CE: Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan
  178. 1206 CE-1368 CE: Mongol Empire
  179. 1206 CE-1526 CE: Delhi Sultanate of India
  180. 1215 CE: Magna Carta signed in England
  181. 1279 CE-1368 CE: Yuan dynasty of China
  182. 1299 CE-1923 CE: Ottoman Empire
  183. 1325 CE-1521 CE: Aztec civilization
  184. 1336 CE-1646 CE: Vijayanagara Empire of India
  185. 1348 CE: Black Death arrives in Europe
  186. 1368 CE-1644 CE: Ming dynasty of China
  187. 1438 CE-1532 CE: Inca civilization
  188. 1492 CE: Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas
  189. 1492 CE-1975 CE: Spanish Empire
  190. 1501 CE-1736 CE: Safavid Empire
  191. 1517 CE: Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses spark the Protestant Reformation
  192. 1526 CE-1857 CE: Mughal Empire of India
  193. 1581 CE-1795 CE: Dutch Republic
  194. 1583 CE-1997 CE: British Empire
  195. 1600 CE-1868 CE: Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan
  196. 1607 CE: Founding of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America
  197. 1618-1648 CE: Thirty Years’ War in Europe
  198. 1644 CE-1912 CE: Qing dynasty of China
  199. 1687 CE: Newton publishes Principia Mathematica
  200. 1721 CE-1917 CE: Russian Empire
  201. 1754-1763 CE: French and Indian War in North America
  202. 1776 CE: American Declaration of Independence
  203. 1787 CE: United States Constitution ratified
  204. 1793 CE: Reign of Terror in France
  205. 1804 CE: Napoleon becomes Emperor of France
  206. 1804 CE-1814 CE: French Empire
  207. 1830 CE: Indian Removal Act signed by President Andrew Jackson
  208. 1838 – 1839 CE: The Trail of Tears
  209. 1839 CE: Opium War between China and Great Britain
  210. 1848 CE: Revolutions throughout Europe
  211. 1861 CE: American Civil War begins
  212. 1869 CE: Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in the United States
  213. 1914 – 1918 CE: World War I
  214. 1917 CE: United States enters World War I
  215. 1929 CE: Stock Market Crash leads to the Great Depression
  216. 1933 CE: Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  217. 1939 – 1945 CE: World War II
  218. 1945 CE: United Nations founded
  219. 1947 CE: India and Pakistan gain independence
  220. 1948 CE: State of Israel established
  221. 1950-1953 CE: Korean War
  222. 1954 CE: Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in the United States
  223. 1955 CE: Montgomery Bus Boycott in the United States
  224. 1956 CE: Suez Crisis
  225. 1957 CE: Ghana gains independence, beginning of decolonization of Africa
  226. 1961 CE: Construction of the Berlin Wall
  227. 1962 CE: Cuban Missile Crisis
  228. 1963 CE: March on Washington and “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States
  229. 1964 CE: Civil Rights Act signed into law in the United States
  230. 1967 CE: Six-Day War in the Middle East
  231. 1969 CE: Apollo 11 moon landing
  232. 1971 CE: End of the Bretton Woods system
  233. 1972 CE: Watergate scandal in the United States
  234. 1973 CE: Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in the United States
  235. 1975 CE: End of the Vietnam War
  236. 1979 CE: Iranian Revolution
  237. 1986 CE: Chernobyl nuclear disaster
  238. 1990 CE: Reunification of Germany
  239. 1991 CE: Gulf War
  240. 1994 CE: Genocide in Rwanda
  241. 1995 CE: Oklahoma City bombing in the United States
  242. 1997 CE: Hong Kong transferred to China
  243. 1999 CE: Euro currency introduced
  244. 2003 CE: Invasion of Iraq
  245. 2004 CE: Indian Ocean tsunami
  246. 2005 CE: Hurricane Katrina in the United States
  247. 2007 CE: Global financial crisis begins
  248. 2013 CE: Edward Snowden leaks U.S. government surveillance information
  249. 2014 CE: Ebola outbreak in West Africa
  250. 2015 CE: Paris climate agreement signed
  251. 2016 CE: Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom
  252. 2019 CE: Notre Dame Cathedral fire in Paris
  253. 2020 CE: COVID-19 pandemic begins


The timeline of the universe and Earth’s history offers a fascinating look into the evolution of our planet and the universe as a whole. From the Big Bang to the emergence of complex life, this timeline highlights the most significant events in our planet’s history, showcasing the incredible journey that our world has taken. It reveals how Earth has transformed over billions of years, and it offers a glimpse into how our planet will continue to change in the future, making this timeline a must-read for anyone interested in the universe and the history of our world.

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